Tuesday, November 3, 2009

pearls pearls pearls

object of the game: The first scuba diver to finish (back to the boat) with the greatest number of pearls collected wins; consists of survival, race to the finish, and collecting.
Each scuba diver only has a certain amount of oxygen throughout the game. if the scuba diver runs out of oxygen, then they "die" and must go back to start and loose all the pearls that were collected.

Each player gets a string to string their collected pearls on. The player moves by rolling dice and must pick up a card on each piece to determine the fate of that run.

- Lose Oxygen Bar(s)
- Get a pearl back
- Lose a pearl
- Move Back a space
- Hit a rip current and must switch spots with the player furthest from you on the game board

Obstacles and Helpers

Obstacles: Sharks, Giant Squid, Electric Eels, Jellyfish.

Sharks- Die (go back to start, loose all pearls)

Giant Squid- Blinded (loose 1 turn, 1 oxygen bar, and 1 pearl)

Electric Eel- Zapped (loose 2 oxygen bars and 1 pearl)

Jellyfish- Stung (lose 1 oxygen bar and 1 pearl)

Helpers: Dolphins, Sea Turtles, Starfish.

Dolphin- Gives you a ride to the surface to refuel oxygen and brings you to the next pearl on the board

Sea Turtle- Gives you a ride to the surface to refuel on oxygen

Starfish- Accompanies you on your journey until you encounter a bad situation, the starfish will protect your pearls and oxygen levels during the bad situation

Some of the cards will have a scenario that contains a positive and negative outcome. To determine the scuba diver's fate, the player will roll the die and if an even number is rolled then the positive outcome occurs and if an odd number is rolled then the negative outcome occurs.

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